Things I learned about Albania from Albanians

These are things Albanians I’ve talked with have said to me over the past few days.

It’s not important what you know but who you know.

The real leaders have the ideas and the false leaders have the resources. (They believe that their government is corrupt and they have no power to change anything. This is not true, but it’s hard for them to take up the power they have.)

They asked me “How many people could you comfortably call and say ‘I’m coming to your house for dinner tonight’?” In Albania they all have a lot of people like this as friends. I don’t know if I have any. Probably most of my friends would already have plans tonight.

“When you have two Albanians you have three ideas.”

The plan is no plan.

“Under communism there was a solidarity. Now some people have more and there is a growing jealousy and mistrust leading to factions. Eventually this might destroy the community we have.”

Albanians want you as their honored guest in their country, unless you are a pedestrian and they are behind the wheel.

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1 Response to Things I learned about Albania from Albanians

  1. Kirk Hamilton says:

    You have been far more philosophical this trip. Self Worth, Defining Relationships, Desires, PTSD, this has been a very interesting blog. Not bad, I’ve enjoyed it very much, just a little different, deeper. Not just what is happening, but the thoughts, relationships, connections of who and what is happening. It has been marvelous.

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